Please note:
Property Wheel’s Spacehub (Property Search) is purely a Listing Platform. Please verify ALL details with the relevant contact persons listed under each property listing. We do our best to provide accurate information, but please always check with the Listed Contact per Property! Maps & Addresses are estimates as they depend on Geocoding – please always verify.
Brokers – please contact the relevant Contact Person per property to request a copy of their terms and conditions and Broking Mandates.
Most importantly, we hope you find this SpaceHub useful – if you have any queries relating to this new feature, please CONTACT US
We take care to try to respond to all queries with a couple of hours. While Property Wheel makes every effort to provide you with correct, up-to-date information, we do not in any way guarantee its accuracy or validity. Please make independent checks before relying on information. If you spot any error or omission, please contact us via our contact page and we will rectify it without delay.