RDI has confirmed the appointment of Gavin Tipper as the company’s new Chairman, with effect from the 24th of July 2018.
Following Greg Clarke’s notice, the board of RDI appointed an executive search firm to undertake a comprehensive search for external candidates and an assessment of both internal and external candidates was performed.
As a result of this process, it was concluded that Gavin Tipper was the most suitable person to act as the future Chairman of the Company. A long-standing independent non-executive director of RDI, having joined the board in August 2011, Gavin Tipper brings significant experience and expertise in relation to corporate governance and stakeholder engagement to the role, whilst also benefiting from a thorough understanding of the Company’s strategic direction and dual-listed shareholder base.
Gavin Tipper is a Chartered Accountant and former technical partner at KPMG South Africa and holds Bachelor of Commerce and Accounting degrees, and a Masters degree in Business Administration. He has been involved in the financial services industry for over 25 years and was Chief Operating Officer for the Coronation Holdings Limited Group where he spent 10 years. Gavin Tipper is currently Chairman of Hyprop Investments Limited and AVI Limited, both of which are listed on the JSE.
Michael Farrow, who led the Nominations Committee process, commented: “Following an extensive selection process, we are very pleased to have appointed Gavin to the role of non-executive Chairman and believe his strong knowledge of the Company and deep market experience will be of great benefit in ensuring the Board operates effectively as it focuses on executing its strategy.
On behalf of the Board I would like to take this opportunity to thank Greg for his leadership of the Board, helping transform the business into a leading income focused REIT.”
Further to the appointment of Gavin Tipper as Chairman, the Board has reviewed the composition of its committees. The committees will comprise the following members with effect from 24 July 2018.