As at the end of January 2018, the national house price inflation index was at 4.2 %.
Over the past couple of months the market activity has stabilized in the 3%-8% range following a slowdown in recent months as shown by the provincial indices. This is true for most of Lightstone’s indices except the Western Cape which is currently growing at an unmatched 10.8%.
The inland municipalities Ekurhuleni, City of Tshwane and City of Johannesburg metros are growing stably at rates between 2% and 5% whereas the coastal municipalities are generally performing above this range. This relationship extends to all coastal and inland properties as shown by their respective indices.
Both the Low value and Mid value wealth segments continue to buck the trend by growing at more than 6% annually whilst the High and Luxury wealth segments are inflating at rates below 4%.
Read more here: Lightstone Residential Property Indices – 2018_02 v4