
SAIBPP launches IREM Certified Property Manager certification

Vuyiswa_Mutshekwane, CEO of SAIBPP.
Vuyiswa Mutshekwane, CEO of SAIBPP.

The South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners (SAIBPP) through a partnership with WITS University and commercial retail property investment fund; Pareto Ltd, announced the launch of the internationally acclaimed IREM Certified Property Manager (CPM) certification on Friday, August 18 2017 – a first for the African continent.

US-based IREM is the leading international association of professional property managers responsible for determining global best practice, promoting superior management and maximising value of real estate investments through education and certification. The 80-year- old organization now boasts a global membership of 20 000 individuals, 570 corporate members and 14 international chapters.

SAIBPP has been working with the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) since the early 1990s when the chairperson at the time, Mr. Saul Gumede first signed the protocol agreement between IREM and SAIBPP. The main objective of the protocol agreement was “to cooperatively build a foundation of ongoing education and professional credibility to enhance the stature of property managers in South Africa”.

Commercial property management remains one of the few professions within the real estate sector that remains unregulated and unstandardised with limited options available locally for formal studies. The introduction of the IREM CPM qualification to the South African commercial property industry will not only introduce an internationally recognised standard for commercial property management but it will enable increased international mobility for domestically educated commercial property managers as the qualification is globally recognized and

WITS University, which was recently named the ‘Best University in Africa’, is currently the only non-American University that is accredited to offer the IREM CPM designation. The first intake of South African IREM Certified Property Managers, who were by sponsored Pareto Ltd, will be graduating at the end of this week.

Malose Kekana, CEO of Pareto Ltd says of the company’s involvement in this initiative; “As the leading retail property investor in South Africa, we are passionate about investing in developing a sustainable and high quality local skills base. This partnership with IREM will not only assist in raising local standards of commercial property management but will also assist in fast-tracking access to the industry for new entrants”

The Pareto IREM CPM designation is currently being offered as an eight-day winter school programme at the WITS Professional Development Hub and is currently only available to existing holders of the WITS Post Graduate Diploma in Property Development and Management.