Thulani Kuzwayo, public sector managing executive of the Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) has been appointed Regional Chair of the Africa Regional Network – a group of Green Building Councils working to advance green building within the region.
Thulani’s appointment is due in part to the GBCSA’s leadership in the green building movement and dedication to improving the sustainability of buildings, both in South Africa and at the regional level.
Terri Wills, CEO of the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), said: “Whilst climate change is a global challenge, the solutions to it are often local and regional. Championing green building at these levels through our regional networks is therefore essential in order to deliver on our mission of green buildings for everyone, everywhere. Thulani has been a true champion of green building across Africa, and his leadership as Chair will help to strengthen the network of Green Building Councils in the region.”
Dorah Modise, CEO of the GBCSA adds: “Across Africa, we are seeing countries taking important steps towards a large scale and long term transformation of how buildings and cities are being built and it is extremely promising to see the effects that the green building movement is having in the region, one of the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Thulani’s appointment will go a long way towards steering the regional Green Building Councils into the next phase of growth.”
Thulani Kuzwayo says that he is honoured to accept the position and looks forward to working with the other GBC’s across the continent to ensure that the projected growth in the African built environment is managed sustainably and equitably. “The perfect storm of risks facing cities makes the green building movement vital for Africa’s development agenda. The various Green Building Councils in Africa have a strong motivation to change the way places are created for people and planet to thrive.”
WorldGBC’s Africa Regional Network comprises eight Green Building Councils: Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia.
By 2050, Africa will be home to an estimated 1.3 billion more people than it is today – more than half of the world’s projected population growth of 2.4 billion people – which means a huge surge in demand for buildings – with 80 per cent of those that will exist in 2050 yet to be built.
But this also presents an opportunity to build right from today, and create green jobs, skills and training, and sustainable growth through widespread green building. Green Building Councils in WorldGBC’s Africa Regional Network are responding to these challenges and opportunities on the ground.
African Green Building Councils are focusing on four strategies: supporting strong regulatory and voluntary frameworks; recognizing and scaling local building materials and practices; training the green building workers of today and tomorrow; and directing much-needed foreign and domestic investment to green building.