Advice and Opinion

IEASA urges commentary from Western Cape estate agencies – City of CT’s Advertising & Signage Policy

“The Institute of Estate Agents of South Africa, Western Cape, has been instrumental in discussions with the council to discuss the City of Cape Town’s outdoor advertising and signage policy and bylaw. To date, there have been concerns put forward by IEASA Western Cape members and IEASA has stepped forward to raise its voice for the property sector”, says Annette Evans, general manager of IEASA Western Cape.

In 2015, a huge milestone was reached in convincing the City that interns in the property industry deserved the right to obtain permits for show house directional boards. This was a significant accomplishment and has resulted in thousands of interns gaining the right to show houses using their own directional boards.

Another milestone previously achieved was IEASA’s vote against various associations for minimal permits as IEASA convinced the City to allocate six boards per show house.

Now, the City recognizes that estate agents have valid concerns and has, therefore, given everyone an opportunity to have their say. They have said that they are reviewing the outdoor advertising and signage policy and bylaw.

All estate agents have an opportunity to comment on the draft revised policy and bylaw. The comment period is open from 15 November to 15 December 2016.

The draft policy and bylaw is available on the City’s website on the Have Your Say page. Click on the link below.

Copies of the policy and bylaw are also available at all sub-council offices and city libraries.

IEASA will be holding a forum to discuss these new guidelines and will announce the date in the near future on various media platforms including their Facebook page: IEASA Western Cape.

“If you are not yet a member of IEASA, we urge you to consider joining so that you can be heard too. Our regular meetings with various organisations are a great platform for us to voice the concerns of our members and together we are a much louder voice,” says Evans.