Property People

Gerald Leissner – Arrowhead Properties

Gerald Leissner.

CA (SA).

Executive CEO.

Arrowhead Properties Limited

Gerald has 50 years of experience in the property industry, both locally and internationally, He was the CEO of ApexHi from its founding in 2001 until it was acquired by Redefine Properties Limited in 2009, after which he serves as a nonexecutive director of Redefine. He retired from Redefine when Arrowhead was formed in 2011. He has served as a non-executive director of the Johannesburg Housing Company and the Housing Development Agency and he helped found the Central Johannesburg Partnership in the 1980s. He stepped down as Chief Executive Officer of Indluplace Properties in December 2015 and he will act as the Executive Director of Indluplace as of the 14th of March 2016 .


Last updated: 11/12/2015. Please note this information is for reference only. While Property Wheel makes every effort to ensure accurate information is displayed on the site, we do not accept responsibility for any inaccuaracies which may occur. Should you be aware of any amendments required, please contact us and we will rectify any discrepancies without delay.