Property People

Desmond de Beer – Resiliant Property Income Fund

Desmond de Beer.

BProc, MAP.

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer.

Resiliant Property Income Fund

Appointed in July 2002, Des spent his first part of his career in the banking industry; first with Barclays Bank in South Africa and later with Syfrets (that was merged into Nedcor Investment Bank). He was appointed General Manager Corporate Equity and he served on the banks executive committee. He has served on the boards of a number of listed property companies and he is currently a director of Nepi, as well as chairing its investment committee.


Last updated: 1/7/2015. Please note this information is for reference only. While Property Wheel makes every effort to ensure accurate information is displayed on the site, we do not accept responsibility for any inaccuaracies which may occur. Should you be aware of any amendments required, please contact us and we will rectify any discrepancies without delay.