
Redefine Properties Receives IAS Best Reporting and Communication Award

For the first time Redefine Properties Limited received the IAS Best Reporting and Communication Award for the best presentation to the society by a company with market capitalisation between R5 and R30 billion for the 2012 financial year. 

Andrew Konig, Financial Director of Redefine Properties

Andrew Konig, Financial Director of Redefine Properties

Andrew Konig, Financial Director of Redefine says: “It’s a privilege to receive this award. We are encouraged by the recognition received to continue our regular, comprehensive and transparent disclosure, to ensure that investors are able to fairly assess Redefine’s investment story.”

Communication with its stakeholders, and especially analysts, has always been a priority for Redefine. But, about two years ago, Redefine began a journey to improve the quality of its property portfolio and its earnings. Within this, it also sought to clarify its investment strategy to continuously improve its property portfolio, simplify its business structures, internalise property management, broaden funding sources to the debt capital markets, expand its geographic footprint into Australia and eliminate reliance on non-recurring fee income.

“Communicating our transformative strategy is essential for Redefine,” says Konig. “We commissioned research to identify where our communication could be improved to ensure the market has a thorough understanding of our strategy, and to effectively communicate our delivery thereof. “

This underpins Redefine’s transparent, consistent communications about important impacts on its business.

“Our ongoing communication initiatives allow stakeholders to assess the quality and sustainability of Redefine’s current years’ earnings, and gain visibility of its future prospects. We aim to tell our story to the investment community as it unfolds,” says Konig.

He stresses that IAS is an important platform to reach the investor community at large, with all key analyst representatives attending Redefine’s IAS presentations.

“When we present to the IAS – both in Johannesburg and Cape Town – the audience is a strong cross section of the investment community. It includes key influencers of investors, regulators and potential investors in our company,” says Konig.

He adds: “Our presentation to IAS members provides a unique prospect to engage with these important stakeholders. It allows the opportunity for questions and clarification. It also gives analysts access to Redefine’s senior management. We welcome this interaction and take great care in providing relevant, comprehensive content to ensure analysts are well informed on management’s key priorities and highlight the milestones achieved in strengthening Redefine’s investment proposition.”

Besides opening the floor to questions at these presentations, Redefine also invites IAS members to popular one-on-one information sessions with Redefine Properties’ CEO Marc Wainer, its Chief Operating Officer David Rice, as well as Konig himself.

Redefine also makes its presentation available on its website,, in both a printable document presentation and a viewable video of the presentation. This provides the opportunity to read or watch the presentation at your leisure, pausing and reviewing it to ensure you fully understand the information presented.

Redefine, however, doesn’t wait for its six-monthly IAS presentation to inform analysts on important updates. It interacts with analysts throughout the year, on numerous platforms. Among these, it keeps ongoing contact with the investment community through its “Breaking News” email service, as and when there’s and important update in the unfolding story of Redefine’s strategy. Redefine executives also issue opinions on markets and trends to this audience.

“Redefine will continue to give communicating with all its stakeholders a high priority to foster an intimate understanding of our business – from our strategy to our performance, and how we achieve both,” says Konig.


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