
Murray & Roberts achieves a record safety performance

Murray & Roberts has completed a year without a fatal incident and for its current financial year to date, reached a record lost time injury frequency rate of 0.81 across the Group. This is a significant achievement and a first since the recording of its safety statistics. 

Group Chief Executive, Henry Laas comments, “The health and safety of our employees, contractors and other stakeholders is of extreme importance to us. Some time ago we set a challenging goal of achieving zero fatalities in a year, across all of our operating entities.”

This exceptional safety result was made possible through the cooperation of all Murray & Roberts employees and subcontractors, demonstrating a strong commitment to work safely. This achievement reinforces the belief that it is possible to work injury free.

“In pursuit of our health and safety vision of “Together to Zero Harm”, we recognise that the participation and contribution of all our stakeholders are essential. We have committed ourselves to adopt the highest health and safety standards in all our operations,” continues Laas.

The Group recognised that a culture change was necessary in order to improve its safety performance and in 2010 appointed DuPont Sustainable Solutions, a global leader in health and safety management, to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of the Group’s South African operations against best practice standards. This culture assessment brought about an increased level of health and safety awareness in the organisation and has helped in establishing a common appreciation of where we are and what we need to do to achieve our safety goals.

“We will continue to build a culture of excellence, emphasising the interdependency of safety and productive work, regardless of where we operate across the world,” Laas concluded.

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