The City of Cape Town condemns the vandalism of the newly constructed MyCiTi bus stops and urges residents to assist in bringing the perpetrators to book, after a number of shelters were vandalised on the Atlantic Seaboard and in Atlantis.
“I am extremely disappointed that our bus shelters are being vandalised. It is disrespectful and disgraceful that people willfully damage City property in this manner. It also means that funds that could be used elsewhere have to be diverted from other aspects of the project to repair these shelters. I would like to appeal to all Capetonians to help look after our stops and stations,” said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Roads and Stormwater, Councillor Brett Herron.
As part of its commitment to building an Opportunity and Inclusive City, the City is implementing a world-class public transport network and service with the MyCiTi infrastructure having been designed to create a dignified and safe transit environment for commuters.
“The new public transport order is being implemented not only to provide a vastly improved urban mobility to residents and visitors of Cape Town, but is key to addressing the legacy of apartheid spatial planning that placed poor, mostly black, communities on the outskirts of a sprawling city, far from the economic and other opportunities that the central city provides. Overcoming this legacy remains a key focus of this administration’s redress policy” said Councillor Herron.
Contemporary and attractive infrastructure, such as the MyCiTi bus-stops and stations, are a core component of upgrading the public transport network and the spaces commuters use to access public transport services.
The design of the MyCiTi stops and stations obviously serve a practical purpose, but have taken into account the surrounding landscape, and are intended to add value to the urban environment. They were a factor which helped secure Cape Town the title of World Design Capital 2014 and the City is extremely proud of this infrastructure. “It is unfortunate that some of this new infrastructure is now the target of criminal conduct,” said Councillor Herron.
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