
Training needs of the Property Industry

The Services Sector Education and Training Authority (SSETA) has been undergoing a process of change since it was put under Administration in 2011 by the Minister of Higher Education and Training. Major changes are taking place with regard to governance, management and programme delivery. Critical to informing the SETAs core business of facilitating and supporting skills development for the services sector is to have in place a sector skills plan (SSP) that is informed by empirical research and consultations with stakeholders so that the SETA can be adequately informed about the scarce and critical skills needs of the sector.

Such a sector skills plan will enable the SETA as it undergoes its process of change and improvement to develop and implement programmes that address identified demand in the sector as well as enabling the sector to contribute meaningfully to government’s macro-economic growth and development strategies.

The SSETA has embarked on a number of different processes to improve the SSP. One gap that has to be addressed in the current SSP is providing a more accurate description of scarce skills demand for occupations core to the SSETA sub-sectors so that the SSETA can plan to address this specifically. The SSETA has also put in place a plan to conduct sub-sector focus survey with individuals who have extensive industry experience.

The reports of the sub-sector survey will inform the programme implementation plans of the Real Estate and related services chamber.

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