
I'sure Insurance

I Insure Insurance Website

Website: http://www.isureins.co.za/home-owner-insurance.html

i’SURE Home Owner Insurance was created to fill the gaps that exist between the different services and products you need to own a home, secure it and look after it properly. After all, owning a home is one of the greatest investments you will ever make.

But, once you’ve purchased and financed your home, where and how do you start to protect your investment? What are your rights and responsibilities as a home owner? How do you maintain your home on a continuous basis? And what about improvements – can it be done without incurring unnecessary costs, frustrations and delays?

i’SURE Home Owner Insurance provides you with a centralised solution to these challenges – from reminders of when to do what, to savings on property-related products and services. We even offer you the most comprehensive insurance available on your property.