

Experian Website

Website: http://www.experian.co.za/customer-management/portfolio-management-kreditproperties.html

KreditProperties from Experian is a property valuation report suite that offers several data points for a given property using a robust Auto Valuation Model (AVM). Along with a predicted value of the property, the report returns the history of the property as well as useful information about the area surrounding the property to give you the most accurate picture.

Property valuation reports from Experian enable you to understand and analyse your current customer base better and can even help you determine a target customer base.

Using sophisticated prediction technology, the Auto Valuation Model (AVM) generates:

  • A predicted value of the subject property
  • High and low value ranges
  • The confidence level of the predicted value
  • A safety score
  • Reports on the volume of property transactions used to determine the predicted value