49m (www.360x.co.za)
6th Element Interior Design (www.6thelement.co.za)
Advantage Air Africa (www.advantageair.com.au)
African Shade (www.africanshade.com)
Afrox (www.afrox.co.za)
Aimee Kruger (n/a)
Alaturca Natural Stones (www.alaturcastones.com)
AMC Cookware (www.amc.co.za)
American Shutters (www.americanshutters.co.za)
Anylock (www.homelinedirect.co.za)
Aromatic Apothcary (www.aromatic.co.za)
Artisan Foods (n/a)
Audiomotion (www.tierone.co.za)
Bamix (www.homelinedirect.co.za)
Beyond Innovation (www.beyond-innovation.co.za)
Blinds Decor (www.blindsmart.co.za)
Blue Bay Lifestyle Furniture (www.bluebay.co.za)
Blue DeerArt Dealers (www.bluedeer.co.za)
BOS Bar (www.bosicetea.com)
Bron Stofberg (www.bronstofberg.co.za)
Bruce Fyfe & Associates (n/a)
Caesarstone (www.stonetraders.co.za)
Candle Jewels (n/a)
Chandeliers & More (www.crystalgallery.co.za)
Classic Trading (www.classictrading.net)
Con Amore (www.conamorehome.com)
Condé Nast House & Garden (n/a)
Country Kitchens (www.countrykitchens.co.za)
Crestwood (www.kitchenstudio.co.za)
Crete & Coat (www.naturaldecor.co.za)
Cuisipro (www.livin.co.za)
Design Ahead (www.designahead.co.za)
Design Time (www.dtime.co.za)
Design Times (www.issuu.com/designtimes)
Durban Tourism (n/a)
Euroshower (www.euroshower.co.za)
Exotic Kitchens (www.ekitchens.co.za)
Expert Kitchens & Interiors (www.expertkitchens.co.za)
Finessence Art Decor (n/a)
Finfloor SA (www.finfloor.co.za)
Flavourex Cheese Factory (www.flavourex.com)
Floor Smart (www.floorsdirect.co.za)
Floors Direct (www.floorsdirect.co.za)
Frans Alexander Interiors (www.fransalexander.com)
Freddo Icecreams (n/a)
Furnspace (www.furnspace3d.co.za)
Furntech (n/a)
Granny Goose (www.grannygoose.com)
grass Concepts (n/a)
Gravics Systems (www.gravicsdesigns.com)
Handmade Pot Co & Lello Landscapes (www.thehandmadepotco.co.za)
Hannah Interiors (n/a)
HarTal Stainless Steel (www.hartal.co.za)
Hellooow Designs & Concepts (www.hellooow.co.za)
Homewood (www.homewood.co.za)
House of Soul (www.houseofsoul.co.za)
HSO Home Supply Organisation cc (www.hso.co.za)
IID Professions (www.iidprofessions.com)
INK Creative Centre (www.gwi.co.za)
Inside Out Interiors (www.insideoutinteriors.co.za)
Interia (www.interia.co.za)
International Deli Distributors (www.idelid.com)
Jennings Fine Foods (www.jenningsfinefoods.co.za)
Jooma Coffee cc (www.joomacoffee.com)
Joy Furniture (www.joyfurniture.co.za)
Julius MeinL (www.hso.co.za)
Just Cork (www.envirocork.co.za)
Kan-Quip Lifestyle Solutions cc (www.kan-quip.co.za)
Karla van den Bergh (www.karlavandenbergh.co.za)
Kitchen Spectrum (www.kitchenstudio.co.za)
Knives (n/a)
KoKo Chocolate Company (n/a)
Kuhestan Organic Farm Products (www.kuhestan.co.za)
La Petite France (n/a)
Lean on Me (n/a)
Leather Gallery (www.leathergallery.co.za)
Lectron (www.lectron.co.za)
Liquid Wallpaper (www.liquidwallpaper.co.za)
Lona’s Pianos (www.pianos.co.za)
Longspan Gutters cc (www.longspangutters.com)
Maharani Tiles & Sanware (www.maharanitiles.com)
Makoti Down Products (www.makoti.co.za)
Mninizo Trading (n/a)
Mobelli Outdoor Furniture (www.mobelli.co.za)
Motiizadeh & Sons Persian Carpets (n/a)
Nest Designs (www.nestdesigns.co.za)
NHBRC (www.nhbrc.org.za)
Niemann SA (www.niemannsa.co.za)
NMC Euro-Pacific (www.nmcsa.co.za)
Northwest Craft Design Institute (www.platawards.org.za)
NutriCentre Juicers (www.discountjuicers.co.za)
Orthopedic Pillow (www.orthopedic.co.za)
Persepolis Carpet Bazaar (www.persepolis.co.za)
Peter Hall (www.flickr.com/photos/peter-hall)
Plascon (www.plascon.co.za)
ProBac (www.probac.co.za)
Pulse Holdings (www.pulsetiles.co.za)
Reboss – Kings Bridge (www.reboss.co.za)
Regaia (www.regaia.co.za)
Robert Bullock Design (n/a)
Romesco Olives (www.romesco.co.za)
SAECO – Italian Lifestyle (www.italianlifestyle.co.za)
Sally Williams Fine Foods (www.sallywilliams.com)
Save The Children Fund (www.savethechildrenkzn.co.za)
Schneider Sliding Folding Systems (www.schneidersystems.com)
SEDA (www.seda.org.za)
Shirley’s Rustic Frames (www.shirleysrusticframes.co.za)
Simmons SA (www.simmons.co.za)
SJ Capital Group (www.sjcapitalgroup.com)
Slate Interiors (www.slateinteriors.co.za)
Slinx Interiors (www.slinx.co.za)
Smart Living Steam Mop (www.epromo.co.za)
Smirnoff (www.matchcreative.co.za)
Solahart (www.selectedenergy.co.za)
Sportron (n/a)
Sprada (www.sprada.ch)
Squirrel Nuts (n/a)
Stainless Accessories (www.stainlesssteelbalustrades.net)
Storm Ferguson Antiques (n/a)
Sugar Plum Interiors (www.sugarpluminteriors.co.za)
Sunflex (www.sunflex.co.za)
Sweet Tempatation (www.sweettemptations.co.za)
Talking Flower Kloof (www.talkingflowers.co.za)
Tashas Fudge (www.tashas-fudge.co.za)
The Hammock Man (www.thehammockman.co.za)
The Plantation Shutter Co (www.plantation.co.za)
The Property Magazine (n/a)
The Shack (n/a)
Third Avenue Trading (www.tatrading.co.za)
Timeless Interiors (www.timelessinteriors.co.za)
Toms Art Verno (www.tomsart.co.za)
Walker Girls (n/a)
Wallpaper Design (n/a)
Warwick Locke Photography (www.warwicklocke.co.za)
Wendy Beresford Art (www.wendyberesfordart.com)
Wetherlys (www.wetherlys.co.za)
Whirlpool SA – SPONSORSHIP CONTRACTS (www.whirlpool.co.za)
Windovert (www.windovert.co.za)
Woll Cookware (www.woll.co.za)
Wood Trends (www.woodtrends.co.za)
Wowhaus (n/a)